All Posts by

Heather Mattson

Showing 51 Result(s)
Fitness, Life

Encountering Self-Doubt

I’m typing this up as I’m hanging out on Molly’s bed with both kids next to me. I might also have pizza sauce on my tank top from dinner tonight. πŸ• True highlight reel right here people. πŸ˜Ž I’ve fought through some self-doubt this past year. So much that some self-sabotaging took place. πŸ˜‘ I know the things to …


Our PPROM Adventure

Four year ago today (Sept 1, 2015) we were blessed with finding out I was pregnant with baby number two. As fast as the years have gone, I still look back from time to time on that eventful season in our life – maybe even one of the scariest. From thinking we were having a …


Seeking Purpose

I found myself in a trap of trying to discover my current purpose awhile back. It’s not the most enjoyable trap to find yourself in. If you’ve been there you know, right. I believe we all have different purposes throughout life. God is there to help guide us through them, but most of the time …


100 Workout Challenge

We’re coming together for πŸ’― workouts. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺAre you joining us? I could come up with something motivating or inspiring to why this commitment would be worth it for you. The thing is, you need to find YOUR why, not mine. Maybe it’s… you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.Maybe it’s… you want a little more confidence …


What Kids Crave

It’s amazing how God has this timing thing down. On Sunday I was laying in bed thinking I would skip the 9am church service and only go to the second service and teach Sunday school – missing the message during the service as I would be teaching. Owen and Molly spent the night at their …

Fitness, Nutrition

A Talk with the Doctor

I had moved to the cities after college. It was time for me to make my yearly appointment and I thought I’d be a big girl and schedule it with a doctor where I called home then (not my hometown). πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ The doctor came in and we were chatting about life. She then brought up …


The Reasons

“I want to have more energy” “I don’t like when I look in the mirror” “My family needs me” “I want to lose 20 pounds” “I want to feel confident on my upcoming vacation” “I want to get fit” “I want to tone up” “I want to knock my future husband’s socks off at our …