Fitness, Life

Encountering Self-Doubt

I’m typing this up as I’m hanging out on Molly’s bed with both kids next to me. I might also have pizza sauce on my tank top from dinner tonight. πŸ• True highlight reel right here people. πŸ˜Ž

I’ve fought through some self-doubt this past year. So much that some self-sabotaging took place. πŸ˜‘

I know the things to not let this happen.
I preach the things…
I hear the things…
I do the things…

Yet, I still fell in the trap.

I could have stayed there for who knows how long. I’m glad it didn’t last long.

Thank goodness we ALL have the ability to end the self-doubt if we want to. β™₯️ I’m thankful my husband reminds me of this often (in a positive way)

It takes a decision.
It takes work.

But I like to tell myself that one of the best projects I can work on is me. πŸ’‘

And this fun photo shoot may have helped light a fire under me too.

πŸ“Έ Vanessa Soliz

Are you working on you, too? πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ