I found myself in a trap of trying to discover my current purpose awhile back. It’s not the most enjoyable trap to find yourself in. If you’ve been there you know, right.
I believe we all have different purposes throughout life. God is there to help guide us through them, but most of the time it isn’t a clear cut answer or him shouting it to us. Different seasons bring different purpose.
When I was working out of the home in an office setting we had tangible things we were working towards.
Did the process improve?
Did the content get created?
Did the statistics improve?
When raising children, there’s tangible outcomes as well… they can look a bit different though.
Am I promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of my children? Basically did we get out of bed, brush our teeth, and be kind.
As moms (or parents in general), we might put extra pressure on ourselves to be “perfect” parents ALL the time and forget the grace. We might also not give ourselves the credit we deserve when it comes to raising our humans. We might also let ourselves go in all other areas of our lives except #momlife – like communicating with other adults. haha! 🙋♀️
I had the opportunity to hear Jade Simmons speak soon after my struggle with purpose and my eyes were opened to a different direction. It removed a lot of the tangible outcome that I need to see.
Check out what she has to say:
“Purpose is not the thing you do. It’s the thing that happens in OTHERS when you do what you do.” 🌎
Do what you do my friends. 👌💪