Like a lot of other Beachbody coaches, I started my role as coach mainly for the discount and the extra accountability. I knew the accountability was going to be key for me. Having the tools in front of me wasn’t going to get me to my goals alone – knowing myself and my health and fitness journey up to that point. I needed that extra push.
Prior to this journey I was good at going all in and then I’d hit a hiccup – out the window it all went – to start again in another six months or so. No one knew when I started or when I quit (except for maybe the extra 35+ pounds I used to carry around from my look now). New gym membership here, canceled membership there, awesome new Pinterest board of healthy recipes to try, abandoned Pinterest board of healthy recipes, etc, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I still encounter hiccups, changed goals, outside influences I didn’t see coming, things I can’t control – (you get the idea) – but because of the amazing people I have connected with on this journey the accountability sticks!

I will say, the word accountability had a different meaning when I started with my coach journey (photo on the left). The accountability was solely focused on the outward appearance – nothing to do internally. Now it’s all about that mindset shift and focusing on being a better healthier version of me – and helping OTHERS do the same. To stop with the little lies we tell ourselves. To look in the mirror and celebrate what we see – every step of the way. To embrace the changes we want to make happen and go for it.
The fun part is you can start this coach journey (aka – showing UP) with me – wherever you are. Right from the beginning you’ll be surrounded by some pretty amazing people on their own journey. Like our fitness/health journey it takes WORK too. But oh so worth it!!! I say just check it out. You never know right?
Come join the fun.
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