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Ugh… do you have those people on your gift giving list that you’re just not sure what to get? They may say, “Oh, don’t get me anything” or “whatever is fine”.
I know this sounds so cliche, but time really is the best gift. We all know that too, but sometimes we want to see that smile on their face when they’re physically touching something or excited to try out a new thing.
Even better – write a little note with the gift that says you’d love to spend time using X gift with them.
Now let’s dive into the actual gifts that you should be looking at for your female fitness friend.
1) Fun new workout clothes
This one can feel a bit scary when you first start searching – I mean you’re dealing with size, style, availability, etc. But this is one of my favorite. Who doesn’t love a new fun inspiring tank top to get crap done or a sweet pair of leggings that work well for all those squats you’ll be doing on leg day. To take advantage of this one you will want to sort of know what the person’s size is. This can easily be found out though – a message to another one of their friends, ask them, – I’m positive you can find a way.
Here are a few ideas for you to get the shopping feels going. I have those tank tops in the first link. I get asked ALL the time where I got them. Guess what, I got them as gifts!
2) A streaming platform to workout wherever – home, gym, etc.
Time to move onto the next category – this one is gold.
Maybe you want to score this one for yourself too. Then you both can hold each other accountable from the comfort of your own home. This was a game changer for me when it came to my fitness journey. No more struggling to find a parking spot at the gym come January 1. No more struggling to just GET to the gym. Instead with this, you can press play right from wherever you want – even if it still is the gym.
The nice thing about the platform I’m recommending is, it will provide you with a COMPLETE program. No more searching YouTube for a leg workout and the next day finding that right ab one. Here it’s all together in one nice package and new programs are always being added.
Check it out here. This has been my go to for the past 3+ years. Reach out if you have any questions on this one (well any of them really). And like I said, you may want to score this one for yourself too.
3) Accessories to enhance the fitness journey
This one may sound a bit vague – that’s because it is. I can come up with SO many options for this. My mind jumps to a fire stick to stream your workouts using idea #2, additional weights, bands to work the booty a bit more…. the list goes on. I’ll try to give you a few specific ideas though so number 3 doesn’t stay so vague. Here we go….
Like I mentioned above, the Fire TV Stick is an awesome option if you know they don’t have one. This is perfect for so many other things like streaming Disney+, Netflix, etc.
If the person is a runner, a running belt may be the way to go. Here’s one to check out from Amazon or you might want to go with an armband.
Another one I mentioned above is resistant bands – these are a hit for my leg/booty days.
Overall, I don’t think you can go wrong in this category.
4) Miscellaneous 🙂
If number 3 wasn’t a bunch of random things, I wanted to do one more. Well… because that’s me, random most of the time. So let’s toss a few more go-to gifts for your female fitness friend in your life.
You’ve got this! Happy shopping.
Well there you have it. Hopefully you were able to find a thing or two to wrap up. I know I personally wound enjoy anything from this list. Actually… I have almost all of it. Hence the recommendations. I’d love to know what you thoughts in the comments. Would these be a go-to gift for you (if you’re into fitness)?